It’s horrible how fame changes people. Me, after an initial cruise, paying off my mothers mortgage, a sausage sizzle for my football team and a polished blue Maloo – and perhaps a yellow lawn, will endeavour to politely lose it all in a spree at Adventure World and a tattoo of a Chiko Roll on my tummy, then assume my intelligible role, undercover, in the median-strip of society.
Here is an example of the sickening level of prizes and awards that I have to cope with now.
I am now on it: Place Making Leadership Council
Nominee, or something: Best Australian Best Blogs 2014
New gig: place measurement services for City of Nedlands
New gig: business liason services for Town of Victoria Park
Tweeters: 455
Facebookers: Some
LinkedIn: Millions
Pinterest: 97 girls
Google+: Has anyone worked this out yet?
You Tube: A mess for me so far
All of these will be reserved for greater milking in subsequent posts to make my fall even greater, and Bounty’s Revenge sweeter.