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A New York State of Mind – Don’t Go There

Times Square is an an example of a small, privately held cluster of shops which has bandied-together and created a marketing face.  Yes, it’s run by the landlord, which probably charges out the marketing to the tenants.  That’s fine.  That’s a great system.

Like most shopping centre marketing, it leads with a female-female-female based narrative.  And that name wouldn’t be the first marketing campaign which tried to send the reader into a New York State of Mind.  I can’t find the link now but I saw a recent, local image of a chick at a table with the byline, ‘SoHo?’ to advertise a local centre.

Retail marketing, the selling of apartments and their lifestyle claims (‘New York Style Apartments’ – sheesh, really?) …  this is testimony of the place-brand that is New York City.  I don’t think we should do it though. The beautiful thing about place is that a sustainable economy and community is dependant upon us all digging deep and finding something local to love.

We’ll get there.

Above: A small arcade of Times Square Claremont with L’Amour Kids, corner of Stirling Highway and Avion Way, Claremont, Australia



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