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I’m glad to be back, in front of a fantastic computer, where I can organise and re-organise my life and day.

Revisiting my photos, I’m going backwards to July 12, to publish relevant A Beautiful City, urbanistic articles and photos now originating from the A Beautiful City Phnom Penh, Hoi Chi Minh City (Saigon) and Hanoi trip – and you can see them here …

Above: Super-Chubbs, A Beautiful City’s first employee, in layover at Singapore Changi airport.  We notice straight away that manners, habits and conventions in Singapore, are different (better?) compared to Perth.  All over the airport, people are peacefully sleeping alone or in clusters, their eyes covered, their effects piled neatly to one side and their shoes off the furniture – their posture discrete and restrained.

Above: One of my first photos in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.  I thought I’d shoot it as the bear-face was kinda cute, and multi-people on motorbikes was a novelty for me – and now I see that his cucumber looks like a wing-wang.  Bonus!

Below: I don’t expect journeys to and from airports to be beautiful, but still, I shot away.  These photos have some A Beautiful City elements – Beautiful Bikes. 

And we can already see that people’s attitudes or choices about personal transport are different, interesting – something we can learn from or think about, and adapt for our own city.

Below: I thought Super-Chubbs was as interested in the transport options as I was but then I realised he was just after coconuts.

And this is it for this post – below: a fascinating story about electricity development.  Love it.  We often complain and argue about red-tape, bureaucracy, added costs and unnecessary interference in building construction.  I’m not arguing for this, but we can reflect of the balance between development and restraint.  And there’s no saying that this method is less safe, although an expert may chime in here and advise.  Thank you.



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