This is Lam, He is the co-owner of Ying & Yang Restaurant at 78 Ma May in Hanoi, Vietnam.
- The restaurant is about 100sqm
- He pays about $48,000 USD per annum in rent, including outgoings
- It is 54 seats
- At the time of my visit, guess how many staff were on, in the restaurant – serving at that time? 20
- There is no minimum wage – staff are paid via negotiation
- Rubbish is ejected out the front and plonked on the road in bags. The walking bin cart picks it up each night at about 10pm and loads it into a bigger, waiting truck. This is paid for by the local government
- The time I was in, the restaurant was packed, yet this only generates, apparently, three medium sized bags of waste per day
- Cardboard, bottles and plastics are stored on site and traded or picked up by an intermediary who takes them to a bigger recycling depot