Imagine the best bookshop in the southern hemisphere, according to Tim Rogers.
Then imagine incorporating a brilliantly designed espresso bar on a sub-lease – The Grumpy Sailor. This is a difficult feat including many headaches with all the landlord negotiations and council approvals. Thank goodness the City of Fremantle gives permissions to high quality retail design and street activation.
Lastly, place a fashion shop in the rear of the huge bookshop. The result is Velvet Sushi who now occupies the former bank safe and sells high quality fashion and accessories whilst the hubbub of the espresso and bookworming goes on all around.
Other cities and shopping centre managers – run, don’t walk, to Velvet Sushi now and suck it up.
Deborah McKendrick in Velvet Sushi, 82 High Street, Fremantle, Australia